Consulting & Solutions

CRQ-RJ Nº PJ-07991


Transforming Challenges into Sustainable Opportunities!

Dear Visionary Entrepreneurs,

In a business world full of complexities, ROGUIER has emerged as the guiding light that understands and solves the pains of institutions in a holistic and precise way. In Brazil, where the challenges are unique, ROGUIER's expertise stands out in addressing crucial issues such as ESG, ODS, GHG emissions, ISO 14001, QHSE, and much more. Our team stands out by delivering exceptional performance, and we are ready to be your strategic partner.

We know that legislation is dense, and adapting to the 2030 agenda is a challenging journey that Brazil faces. This is where ROGUIER AMBIENTAL steps in as your trusted partner, providing advice on business solutions centred on the Environment and Quality. Our commitment is to offer personalised treatment, in line with technical specifications, to achieve each company's unique objectives.

By choosing ROGUIER ENVIRONMENTAL, you don't just invest in consultancy; you invest in partnerships, effective solutions and a more sustainable business future that suits to your organisation.. We're ready to be the driving force behind your success!

We're ready to act immediately! How about we start with an Exclusive Webinar? There we can present our solutions in an engaging and enlightening way.


ROGUIER offers quality environmental consulting and advisory services to the public and private sectors in Brazil. Our focus: To prepare organisations to implement, integrate and/or manage their EMS - Environmental Management System and to comply with the requirements of other management systems. Our competence is based on the direct involvement of highly experienced professionals with specialist knowledge respecting specific environmental issues. Our field of activity covers environmental impact assessment and other studies, environmental licensing and research of the natural environment providing support for sustainable development and assisting in the preparation of guidelines and reference documents and environmental training. We complement our work with specific training in the area.


Environmental Management

Process for obtaining the 1st Environmental License, Certificate and Authorization and its renewals; Identification and analysis of regulations, technical standards and environmental legislation; Monitoring of pollutants (water, air, soil); Waste Management - diagnosis, control, monitoring and traceability; Implementation of the Environmental Management System (ISO 14000); Monitoring of compliance with the conditions of Environmental Licenses; Attendance to Non-Conformities evidenced in audits; Preparation of Procedures (SOP) and Technical Work Instructions (IT);

Environmental Studies and Reports

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Environmental Viability; Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/RIMA); Environmental Control Plan (PCA/RCA); Evaluation and Management of Environmental Risks (PGR); Management Plan for Solid Waste (PGRS, PGRSS, PGRCC, PGIRS); Pollutant Prevention and Control; Compliance with CONAMA 001/90 resolution - Noise (Neighbourhood Impact); Waste Inventory; Greenhouse Gases Inventory; Degraded Area Recovery Plan (PRAD); Environmental Auditing (internal and external); Federal Technical Cadastre and its report (CTF/APP/RAPP); Rural Environmental Cadastre - CAR; ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance), Environmental Compliance; Sustainability Reports according to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards; Environmental Judicial Expertise (Technical Judicial Assistant).

Environmental Projects

Environmental Education in companies, schools, communities and public agencies; technologies in solid waste treatment - Pyrolysis, Gasifiers, Incinerators, Biomass; Treatment Stations (ETE/ETDI); Payments for Environmental Services (PES); ICMS Green; Fiscal Recovery of Waste; Conservation Units; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); REDD+, Carbon Credits; Forest Credit; A3P/PMGIRS/PMSB

ESG / VISION 2020-2030

The new demand in the global market for more sustainable investments

ESG - A new demand

The new demand in the global market for more sustainable investments - both in terms of the environment and of corporate governance - is beginning to urge asset managers in the country to adjust their operations.  In this sense, banks have sought to calibrate their portfolios to the criteria defined by the acronym ESG, which preach responsibility in environmental, social and governance issues and have been receiving international attention for being associated with solid businesses and greater resilience against risks associated with climate and sustainability, and as a strategic means of financial attractiveness and structuring, as well as a culture of integrity in governance.

Governance and sustainability

According to recent research, investors and banks are using these parameters as pillars for potential future investment or lending decisions.

This is because ESG criteria help provide information about the companies they are injecting capital into. Environmental data helps investors understand the company's relationship with the environment and its dependence on natural resources, and its actions regarding waste. Social metrics help investors understand where potential concerns may lie in relation to human rights, labour relations, communities and the public. In short, companies with good governance are much more trustworthy and much less likely to give in to unethical practices.

What does this have to do with Brazilian companies - small and medium-sized?

Businessmen need to understand that the whole market, whether they are service and/or industrial goods suppliers, need to face the business environment with seriousness and commitment to good practices, because no company can afford the luxury of error in this accountability movement. Nobody wants to pay the bill of the uncommitted supplier, because everything is being monitored, registered and potentially searched, especially in case of accident. There is nowhere to run and one has to face the business reality with responsibility.

The ESG theme brings a chain of unavoidable modern values. Several models may be designed for the future, but those who commit to the subject and take the lead will certainly get rid of the competition for a long time or extinguish it altogether.

How to adapt to this reality?

The entrepreneur needs to look for a consulting firm, such as ROGUIER, and go through an internal audit of evaluation of his business. Depending on the size of the company, this evaluation can last from 15 days to 6 months or more. We are by the side of companies to guide them to adapt and evolve. But understand that there is no more "Brazilian" way in this globalized world.

One of the most important steps to adhere to sustainability criteria is to establish a partnership with consultants or create a council dedicated to the topic.

ROGUIER is at your company's side to align it to the requirements and obligations regarding standards and legal requirements, as well as we prepare your team to fully manage the environmental area.

NAMMA GLOBAL is an international programme devised by senior consultants, based in the European Union, in France. NAMMA GLOBAL stands out and leads by bringing together complementary expertise, networks and tools, making possible interactivity and negotiation regarding the main challenges and opportunities faced by emerging continents, in particular for human and business development. 

Public and private investments and PPP

NAMMA GLOBAL has increased its capacity to project itself in the field, in particular through a network of local offices and qualified partners, offering its services to private or institutional clients in all regions of the world and positioning itself as a global vector of progress mobilizing capital and political impact.

Our team is composed of international and Brazilian senior consultants, with more than 20 years of experience and unmatched credibility, with stints in the world's largest organizations, having negotiated with the highest authorities and leaders.


We offer a full range of services for your company to prepare for IPO, for the acquisition of your entire company, for financing. Our economists and jurists are ready to offer you the highest quality services, together with your team, on a daily basis, to understand your needs, to wear your shirt, to offer you the best solution.

This is how we build wealth, for people and for organisations. 

We audit, evaluate and adjust your company to financial, legal and technical challenges with international investors; We accompany you in all processes and actions. We find financing for your projects and your growth at the most competitive rates on the international market;

Guarantees and Insurances included for your peace of mind (Hedge).

We offer you a challenging and strategic vision, oriented towards both the international and national markets.

ROGUIER, as a founding member, is the executive operator in South America.


Development and Transformation
Economic Diversification
Public and Private Investment and PPP
Governance and Transparency
Sustainable Agriculture
Value Chains
Search for Financing:
renewable energy, transport, industry, telecommunications, health, sanitation, agribusiness...
Education and Human Capital Development
Regional development

ROGUIER is a Brazilian multidisciplinary consulting firm located in Rio de Janeiro that has been active since the beginning in the area of environmental management for companies and industries in the hospital, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, steel and mining sectors, which are potentially emitters of solid industrial and hospital waste, atmospheric pollutants, industrial effluents, or that require environmental impact studies such as photovoltaic plants, small hydro plants, wind power plants, transmission lines, etc...

The company was founded in 2012 by Viviane LOGULLO RONCADA - President of the National Association of Environmental Managers ( and Sebastien Patrick ROGUIER, French, industrial chemist.

The company also works as an outsourcer for many law firms whose clients seek solutions to regularize their situation, administrative or technical (sustainable energy, diversified sewage and treatment systems, energy recovery by incineration ), before environmental control bodies.

In 2016, the company boosted the creation of a working group in partnership with external consultants, former CEOs of multinationals. Our skills, together, allow us today to develop in the international business market, mainly commodities, O&G, LNG, LPG, renewable energies. In addition, we work closely with several business offices whose clients seek our expertise.

ROGUIER is also a partner in the international development of the Republic of Honduras, through its diplomatic arm Brazil-Honduras Institute.

Since February 2019, ROGUIER has been developing financing search services in a Joint Venture of specialized international consultants, with the largest development promotion agencies, which seek through our network several investment projects of great maturity in the sectors of sustainable energy, sanitation, transport, water and waste treatment. From this partnership emerged in 2019 NAMMA GLOBAL, one of the largest Blended finance consulting agencies in the world, of which ROGUIER, as a founding member, is executive operator in South America.

CEO – Sebastien Patrick ROGUIER; French, Chemical Eng. International business advisor.

COOViviane LOGULLO - Environmental Expert and Analyst; Environmental Legal advisor. President of ANAGEA National Association of Environmental Administrators.

Adv. Marcus Lima - Attorney - former President do INEA (Environmental State Institute)

Jean-Pierre Bellavia - External Consultor

Strategic Partners